J2 Pro Video Headset


J Series Headsets

J Series Pro AV professional communications headsets are rugged, classy and built to last. Compatible with RTS, Clear-Com, Riedel, HME, Telex, Studio Technology, 100’s of portable radios, smartphones, tablets, laptops and more.

Carbon Fiber Warranty: 65 Months


J Series Headsets

The J2 Carbon Fiber headset, originally designed for professional audio and video applications, is a single ear over the head headset. It features a closed-back design to reduce outside noise, extra soft, faux leather ear seal and a noise cancelling microphone. The J2 allows private conversation with situational awareness for stage crew, drivers, and public safety scenarios. Compatible with RTS, Clear-Com, Riedel, HME, Telex, Studio Technology, 100’s of portable radios, smartphones, tablets, laptops and more.

  • 100% Carbon Fiber, Super light, Super quiet
  • 270° Rotatable Microphone Boom
  • Dynamic Microphone
  • Faux leather ear pads, additional types available
  • 3, 4 and 5 pin XLR plugs, use SBJ Series Cords
  • Smartphones, radios, and computers, use SBG Series Cords
  • Half the weight of standard models
  • Auxiliary input 3.5mm audio jack
  • Headset travel bag and adapter cord included

Product Datasheet

thumbnail of Model J2

Why is the Dalcomm Tech carbon fiber J Series the Lamborghini of headsets?

Carbon fiber is, as Popular Mechanics says, “The Miracle Material”. No doubt you’ve seen many high end applications like the exceptionally expensive Lamborghini and other masterpiece concept cars. Carbon fiber has a number of impressive physical properties. It’s not just about its brilliant luster like the gemstone tiger’s eye, Boeing airliners are made with the stuff. In fact, carbon fiber turns out to be stronger than steel. It’s a whole lot lighter too.  Other properties include resistance to fatigue and corrosion, non-toxicity to humans, a low coefficient of thermal expansion (it doesn’t expand as much as other things when it gets hot), it’s X-ray permeable and not flammable.

Why not use magnesium? Looking at a magnesium flame will cause permanent damage to your vision.  In the event one’s aircraft was downed, if one was careful to look away while lighting such a headset on fire, it may be possible to use the headset as a flare. However, there exists no such possibility with a carbon fiber headset. It would have to suffice for one to look fashionable, with comfortably warm ears, while being rescued.

What about other ‘metal alloys’? Metal alloys are not bad. However, ‘metal alloys’ is a category and includes cheap waste metal mixes that are lightweight but very poor quality.

Why do we use carbon fiber in headsets? 

The circum-aural headset is a headset with a cup around the ear. It was first made to solve the problem of communicating in a noisy environment. It also works out well for protecting your hearing. The original headsets issued to military and industrial uses were steel and plastic. That’s because the form of the headset followed it’s function. The headsets held up well but weren’t necessarily that comfortable or light. In fact, it is possible to still buy headsets that continue to be made of steel and plastic and are still made in exactly the same form they were made in since the 1970’s. Read more…

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Additional information

Weight 30 oz
Dimensions 9.5 × 9.5 × 5 in

65 month warranty


Element Type: Noise-canceling Dynamic Microphone
Frequency Response: 150Hz to 8kHz


The ear cup is the same as the ear cup from the J3 headset which carries an NRR rating of 23dB. Please note, the NRR for this headset is not published because only one ear would be protected. See the J2-dual for protection for both ears. J2-Dual has a communications ear bud on the non-earcup side.

Ear Seal Type

Protein Leather Ear Seals, Gel Ear Seals, Foam Ear Seals, Foam + Gel Ear Seals

Adapter Cord Type

SBJ-3 4 Pin female XLR, SBJ-4 4 Pin male XLR, SBJ-5 5 Pin male XLR, SBJ-7 3 Pin male XLR with 1/4" stereo plug, SBG-1 Motorola 2 pin radio plug, SBG-2 Motorola APX/XPR with screw, SBG-3 Motorola XPR 3500 slide lock, SBG-4 3.5mm smartphone/tablet

10% Off second adapter

No Second Cable, SBJ-3 4 Pin female XLR +$70, SBJ-4 4 Pin male XLR +$70, SBJ-5 5 Pin male XLR +$70, SBJ-7 3 Pin male XLR with 1/4" stereo plug +$70, SBG-1 Motorola 2 pin radio plug +$70, SBG-2 Motorola APX/XPR with screw +$70, SBG-3 Motorola XPR 3500 slide lock +$70, SBG-4 3.5mm smartphone/tablet +$70


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