Did You Know?
You probably already know we make headsets for pilots and for professional audio and video applications. But did you know we also make headsets for Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)? That means we make headsets or headphones for companies that make specialized equipment for many different industries.
Here’s a really cool one: Acoustic Ultrasound Detection. Our friends at CTRL Systems It’s specialized instrumentation for listening to things that you can’t hear with the naked ear. Their flagship ultrasound detector, the UL101, can be used to detect the ultrasound produced by small compressed gas leaks, electrical arcing, mechanical friction, and many other industrial sources. That ultrasound is then processed into the audible range so it can be heard by a technician or engineer. Our headset plugs into the UL101 so the UL101 operator can hear the processed ultrasound.
Examples of ultrasound detection include: condition-based monitoring of critical manufacturing equipment, electrical arcing detection in power lines, and even the detection of tiny vacuum leaks on the International Space Station. The UL101 has been on mission aboard the ISS since 2001, where even the smallest leak could be life-threatening to the science teams stationed there.
Check this out, the CTRL equipment is required equipment on NASA flights! Here’s a video of astronauts finding a leak:

In addition to their work with NASA, CTRL Systems has also been supplying their ultrasound technology to the United States military and her allies for more than 20 years. As a result of CTRL’s dedication to turnkey integration, the UL101 is a standard tool in many mission critical applications on platforms such as the F-35, the C-130, and the F-18.
Many large companies that you’ve heard of also use these valuable tools. For example, Boeing Commercial Airplanes recommends the UL101 for applications related to the braking system and for ultrasound leak checks in multiple systems for all Boing commercial jet aircraft. Manufacturers like Caterpillar and Volvo/Mack Truck use the UL101 for quality control. And companies like Shell, McCormick Spice, and Schlumberger use the UL101 to detect steam faults, mechanical failures, leaks, and electrical faults in their industrial equipment.
CTRL’s acoustic ultrasound technology serves a diverse array of clients and applications all over the globe. Pretty cool, huh?
In Their Own Words
The Experts in Acoustic Ultrasound.
Our ultrasound condition-based monitoring (CBM) takes place in a non-destructive testing (NDT) environment, allowing users to inspect and accurately monitor assets while equipment is fully operational. Our hardware is supported by in-person and cloud-based training, as well as a first-of-its-kind data management platform: InCTRL. The CTRL approach to acoustic ultrasound CBM is viable for a single-site operation or a global multi-site organization
CTRL’s ultrasound reliability program is implemented through a turnkey process that results in production reliability, quality control, safety, and improved energy savings. CTRL Systems, Inc. is dedicated to helping your organization quickly integrate advanced ultrasound technologies to enhance operational efficiency, increase cost effectiveness, and achieve superior reliability results.